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Property Inspection

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What is a property inspection service?

Property inspections are one of the services we offer, giving you a complete view of every aspect of your property through detailed reports, providing you with the tools to understand the condition, true value and status of your property. It will free you from problems. Some of the key benefits our clients get from our property inspection services include:

  • Our team of engineers inspects buildings and their systems to assess their condition and efficiency. They deeply understand the condition of the building from a (structural, architectural, electrical, mechanical and environmental) perspective so that the company’s clients can understand it. If you want to own, know the defects of the property, and if you want to buy, know the condition of the property. This way, you can make an informed decision before purchasing a property.
  • The client receives a building condition report. This can be a great tool for negotiating the purchase price and maintenance costs, as properties are often sold with significant deferred maintenance, and provides a good overview of their condition. It analyzes things like the age of the building and helps you understand the future of your property..
  • Our reports are very detailed and cover building systems including site, building envelope, structural elements, interior elements, roofing systems, plumbing, electrical, tanks, elevators/escalators, etc.
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Property Inspection - The main aspects that our engineers rely on when inspecting are:

The process of evaluating a particular property is always one of the most difficult problems. This problem includes everything from the importance of the site to the quality of concrete and columns and even electrical installations. We ensure the safety of the facility systems and their accessories as well as the absence of leaks and moisture but are currently subject to scientific developments. Everything has become easier with the availability of modern non-destructive testing equipment that allows us to know what the world observes and all of the above. We have an experienced staff, modern equipment and engineering programs specialized in property inspection. Below are some of the aspects that our engineering team performs as part of our property inspection services.

Property inspection from a structural and architectural perspective:

We rely on the inspections that we carry out by qualified engineers who inspect your building using the latest technology, including the tools and equipment necessary to carry out the work. Therefore, we evaluate the structural condition in terms of examining concrete, reinforcement and collapse to determine the damage. Study the locations of cracks, their causes, etc. and put all the results in a special paragraph in the form of defect images and methods of removing them according to the standards of architectural and civil engineering systems included in the report.

Checking body humidity:

Humidity poses serious problems for homes. Moisture in walls and ceilings causes odors, peeling and rotting of paints, and other problems that can affect cement layers, building foundations, ceramics and tiles, and cause rusting of reinforcing steel.

Our team of experts uses the latest advanced equipment to conduct a comprehensive inspection of your site and identify the source of moisture (external or internal, sewers or rainwater drains, etc.) without destroying the tiles or ceramics. We provide a detailed report of all defects and suggest low-cost and appropriate solutions for each problem.

Check your facility for thermal leaks:

Thermal leakage causes summer heat and winter cold to be transferred through the roofs and walls of buildings, resulting in high temperatures in the summer and extreme cold in the winter, which consumes more energy and leads to higher temperatures. Bills and expenses.

The company's engineering team surveys the site and inspects the walls and windows using the latest equipment. This provides engineers with accurate information about the amount of heat leakage and its exact location, which they can later analyze and compile in a report. And suggest appropriate solutions.

Check the plumbing in the facility:

Plumbing is an important job. Failure to do so can not only cause problems with the concrete and affect the foundations of the building, but also lead to a variety of problems in the future, including mold and bad odors.

When you call for service, our fully equipped team will inspect all external and internal plumbing fixtures and drains using the latest non-destructive equipment. This allows you to directly locate the problem, as the presence of a defect means a leak. Water can accumulate under ceramics and tiles, negatively affecting the building and causing moisture problems. The results, which include moisture in walls and ceilings, are reported by engineers as part of the mechanical service standard.

Checking the assets related to tanks:

This is necessary to ensure that there are no water leaks that could harm the building or cause moisture problems.

Additional information about the service:

In addition to the previous checks, our team of qualified engineers conducts comprehensive checks for cracks and cracks in ceilings and walls, determines their causes and provides solutions, in addition to carrying out insulation works. We also inspect and examine finishes, leaks, decorations and service openings. Inspection of air conditioning and heating devices, exhaust fans, inspection of doors and windows, insulation, sound insulation, locks, handles, type of glass used, thickness, hinges, guides and more.

Our engineers are highly efficient, professional and honest. Through our real estate inspection services, we inspect more than 700 locations, all using more than 40 pieces of modern equipment. A special program is then used to generate the inspection report. For this purpose and to preserve the building regardless of the type of building (residential), we will cover all the points mentioned with pictures of the defects and suggestions for the actions to be taken to avoid those defects. - Commercial, industrial, country house, etc.). We will provide you with the best service as quickly as possible, so do not hesitate to contact us. We guarantee you a safe choice.