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Baghdad - Mansour - 14 Ramadan Street


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Property Inspection and Evaluation Company.

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Branches in the Arab World

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Engineering Team

A company composed of a team of expert engineers in the field of property inspection and evaluation. The team includes all engineering specialties (architectural, civil, electrical, mechanical). Our engineers rely on the latest international equipment in their work, which gives results with the utmost accuracy.

The team also enjoys the efficiency and experience gained over years of work in the field of inspection. The work depends on evaluating more than 700 points within the building using more than 40 advanced devices. The main advantage is that the inspection and identification of problems is done without breaking or damaging the tiles or walls, as the devices used are non-destructive.

Our team begins work on detecting all defects, starting from the facilities surrounding the property and reaching all parts of the property. The result will be a comprehensive and detailed report on the condition of the property, including all visible and hidden features and defects, documented with photos and evidence.

Areas of Inspection:
  • Inspect the structural quality of the property.
  • Inspect the electrical system.
  • Ensure the mechanical integrity of the property.
  • Check for water leaks (any form of moisture).
  • Ensure for thermal leaks.
  • Inspect the plumbing extensions.

The safety and comfort of our customers is our first goal and we work hard to clarify all the defects of the property to our customers which will create security and meet our customers' needs.


comprehensive property inspection.

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Our Standards in the inspection process

The structural integrity of the building is an important factor related to safety and security that makes the building safe by being free of cracks and fissures.

Inspect and evaluate all parts of the electrical system used in the property and discover all defects in electrical cables, sockets, circuit breakers, etc.

Water leaks cause great damage to the building due to the moisture, odor, and damage to the building structure. This standard includes examining it carefully and discovering all defects.

The surrounding environment and location of the property are of utmost importance as they represent the property’s evaluation in terms of its location, the availability of services in the area, its proximity to vital facilities, etc.
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