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Old Building Inspection

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Old Building Inspection:

Inspection of old buildings is very delicate and requires a comprehensive survey as the building has been around for a long time and may have been exposed to many events. This article presents some important topics.

  • How are old buildings inspected?
  • The work of the inspection engineer on the building and 10 points that buyers should know.
  • The importance of the inspection report on buildings.
  • The advantages of inspecting old buildings.
  • When do old buildings need maintenance or restoration?
  • How to restore old buildings.
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First, how are old buildings inspected?

Inspecting old buildings is a process that requires a lot of experience, but with the advancement of technology, modern equipment is now available that can greatly benefit this task. The best building inspection company is BUILDING RANK, which is a major first company. A company that provides building inspection services in the Arab world.

Upon request, we will take the initiative to send an engineering team consisting of engineers from various fields to conduct a comprehensive survey of the building.

  • Inspections are conducted from all aspects (structural, electrical, mechanical, humidity, heat leaks, plumbing, windows, floors and ceilings, building facades, and others).
  • Our engineers inspect more than 700 locations using the latest global equipment to verify and track each problem.
  • Thanks to this inspection, it is possible to identify all defects in the building and its quality level.

Second: The work of construction supervision engineers and 10 points that buyers should pay attention to

Building inspection engineers at BUILDING RANK are responsible for inspecting many properties. This inspection includes all aspects of the building. In other words:

  • Inspection of the important structural elements of the building (columns, bridges, cracks, reinforcing bars, etc.) to ensure the structural integrity of the building. The investigation will also include corrosion, water leakage and structural damage to the building.
  • The building inspector will inspect your property (floors, ceilings, walls, windows, doors, etc.) for any damage. Floors and ceilings are subject to corrosion, damage and cracks due to age, which greatly affects the strength and stability of buildings.
  • The building undergoes a mechanical inspection including (plumbing, electricity, lighting, air conditioning if any). This includes detecting moisture that can cause serious damage to buildings.
  • Look for worn plumbing fixtures, as old pipes may be corroded from the inside. Worn pipes can cause rust, leaks, and water discoloration. Therefore, it is usually recommended to replace the entire building as this is the best solution.
  • Check your old electrical appliances, as they may not be able to provide enough power to operate modern appliances. Therefore, we recommend replacing all wires, switches, and electrical panels. It provides better safety and features compatible with the latest devices.
  • Prepare clear, detailed, and easy-to-understand building inspection reports, including all existing deficiencies.
  • We provide all necessary suggestions for corrective actions through the building inspection report.
  • Estimate the productive life of the building.
  • We provide advice on how to strengthen your buildings and extend their productive life.
  • Determine the safety and quality of the building infrastructure.

Third: The importance of the building inspection report:

  • Inspecting old buildings by a building inspection company is essential and very important. Because a comprehensive test can protect you from many risks.
  • Once the inspection is complete, our engineers will prepare a building inspection report that will show all visible and hidden defects.
  • This report gives you an accurate picture of the building's quality and livability, so you can make informed decisions and negotiate the best prices.

Fourth: Advantages of inspecting old buildings:

Old buildings have a unique charm, but keeping them in good condition requires a lot of effort and patience. Therefore, you should inspect them regularly because of their many benefits. The most important of which are:

  • When a problem occurs, we quickly find the cause.
  • Detect problems and start maintenance before use.
  • Avoid additional unspent costs.
  • We guarantee the quality of home construction and the absence of risks to residents.
  • Reduce problems with periodic maintenance.
  • It must be restored and determined whether it can be used, then demolished and rebuilt.
  • Check the age of the building and the building materials used.

This allows you to protect your building during repairs and increase its lifespan. All recommendations and repairs can be obtained from the building inspection report provided by Building Ra.

Fifth: If the building needs maintenance or repair:

Building restoration is a set of building maintenance activities that aim to preserve buildings that are exposed to damage. This has led to the formation of large cracks and cracks. The most common of these reasons are:

  1. 1. Defects caused by building occupants

    Many people make mistakes that affect the architecture. For example, demolishing part of the wall to install an air conditioner or expanding a window opening.

    In some cases, a chimney can be installed by drilling a hole in the ceiling or wall. This has a negative impact on the strength and load-bearing capacity of the building.

  2. 2. Defects caused by negligence:

    يمكن The sewage pipes in your building can cause cracks, cracks and leaks, which can lead to negligible moisture problems. The situation can worsen over time and cause serious damage to the building.

    To maintain the strength and durability of the building, all work during construction must be planned and all problems must be solved as they arise, not postponed.

Sixth: How to restore old buildings:

There are many buildings that need repair after being inspected by a building inspection company, and repairs are carried out as follows.

  • Strengthening foundations: This is done by digging and removing the concrete surface and strengthening the lower foundation of the building with a protective layer to prevent iron from rusting.
  • Strengthening the column: A layer of reinforced concrete is added with a thickness of not less than 10 cm.
  • Strengthening bridges: This is done by adding some iron bars to increase the concrete's ability to withstand loads.
  • Care for all superficial and deep cracks and cracks.
  • Treatment of moisture and elimination of its causes.
  • Solution to subsidence of floors and slopes.
  • To carry out previous maintenance work, technicians and contractors specialized in carrying out these works are used.

Conclusion: Old buildings are regularly inspected and maintained. This gives them a new life and makes them more vibrant and livable. Therefore, inspection is important and necessary for maintenance, and reinforcement and modernization are important. So that these buildings can keep pace with the architectural developments currently taking place.