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Villa Inspection Before Purchase

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What is the villa inspection service before buying?

After you first think that a certain villa suits you and your needs, the decision to buy comes, which is the most difficult part. So you need a scientific view of how well the villa is built, whether the materials used in construction are good, and whether there are any problems with this villa, and our company provides this service. Our engineering team inspects every area inside the villa and uses the latest equipment to identify any defects and with the utmost professionalism ensures that the villa is in a comfortable condition for living. Therefore, your purchase decision will depend on comfort and structural safety. Electrical structure, water leakage, environmental investigation, etc. When it comes to villa sites, we guarantee you a safe choice.

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Knowing the condition of your villa before buying it will give you peace of mind and help you avoid a lot of unnecessary expenses that add unnecessary amounts to the price of the villa. We provide reports to help you understand the situation. The property is a specialty in building classification and is provided after the engineer's visit. We have inspected more than 700 points using the latest equipment. We have the experience, high efficiency and diverse equipment to conduct comprehensive inspections. Before purchasing a villa, please ensure the safety and quality of the villa in all aspects.

What is the process of inspecting a villa before purchasing:

The process of inspecting a villa before purchasing is a complex process due to its large area and requires inspectors and engineers with great experience in this field. We have this experience, along with the latest inspection equipment, so that you can get accurate inspection results with our building rows. Because we conduct a comprehensive inspection of each part of the villa and provide a detailed report with pictures that includes:

  • Structural inspection of the villa.
  • Check the electricity.
  • Check the moisture in the walls and ceiling.
  • We check for water leaks.
  • Pipe inspection.
  • Tank inspection.
  • Pool inspection.
  • Area and environment inspection.

Each inspector uses his own equipment to conduct the previous inspections to obtain the best results. The results are detailed and professionally documented in a report, with all defects and methods of removing them documented with pictures.

Stages of the villa inspection process before purchasing:

First, inspect the villa from the outside.
  • We carry out roof, gutters and insulation works.
  • Structural cracks.
  • Chimney.
  • Water heater, pipes and tank.
  • Ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Balcony.
  • Exterior cladding.
Second - Inspection of the villa from the inside, including:
  • Heating and cooling systems and heat leakage.
  • Plumbing works.
  • Checking for moisture in the walls and ceiling.
  • Floors.
  • Lighting and electrical works, etc.
  • Light reflector and lock.
  • Window or window.

Detailed description of what the inspection report includes:

  1. 1. Inspect the villa from an architectural and structural point of view before purchasing.

    This includes examining the columns, walls and ceilings to ensure that there are no cracks or fissures that could affect the quality of the building and cause fatal problems in the future, making the situation worse. In the event of cracks or collapse of the building. It also provides the necessary recommendations for treatment and recovery as well as preventing unwanted results.

    كما We will also inspect the gardens surrounding the villa to ensure that there is no subsidence around the villa. This is important to maintain the quality of the building and ensure that it is not exposed to unwanted problems.

  2. 2. Checking for moisture in the walls and ceiling:

    A professional engineer will determine where the moisture has entered and find out why it occurred, as it will have a negative impact on the building and its foundations. It also ensures the safety of the insulation of surfaces, walls, floors, etc.

  3. 3. Plumbing inspection:

    The plumbing equipment in kitchens and bathrooms is one of the most important sources of moisture, so we carefully and professionally inspect all pipes and tubes without damaging or damaging them. This is done using modern devices that perform infrared thermal imaging. This identifies all defects and pinpoints their location with great accuracy.

  4. 4. Swimming pool inspection:

    Since most villas come with a swimming pool, the villa inspection before purchase includes this inspection, as the presence of defects will affect the foundations of the villa and cause serious and catastrophic problems, and the inspection is one of the most important things. That is why we looked at it comprehensively from the perspective of walls, floors, etc., and we were satisfied with it. After checking the insulation for damage and leaks, we also inspect the water pipes.

  5. 5. Electrical test:

    It is very important to check the electrical system in your villa, as any electrical problems can lead to a fire and damage to the electrical equipment in your villa. Our team will inspect the main panel of the villa, inspect the sub-panels and internal extensions and take measurements. How much current can the electrical cable handle? Ensures the quality of lighting and compliance with consumption and detects current leakage.

    In addition to the above, our team will inspect the garage and water tank to ensure that there are no water leaks, as well as inspect the environment surrounding the villa to ensure that there are no pollutants of any kind. All the above information will be provided. A comprehensive assessment will be made based on the pre-purchase inspection report of the villa.

Pre-purchase villa inspection report:

When you request our services, our engineering team will be scheduled to arrive at your holiday home at a time that suits you and conduct a comprehensive inspection. After the engineers return from the testing process, they analyze the results obtained from the device. In addition to analyzing all defects, a special program is used to inspect the computer in the company office and enter all the information and results, and an appointment is set to receive the inspection report. The inspection report contains complete information about everyone. Due to defects and problems, please read carefully before purchasing and make an informed decision.

Villa inspection period:

Inspecting each aspect of the villa requires several hours of work inside the villa. The duration varies depending on the area of the villa, the area to be inspected, and the number of floors. Our inspectors have the experience and competence to conduct comprehensive and accurate inspections, covering all areas inside and outside the villa, regardless of the difficulties you may encounter.

In conclusion, our services are provided to all real estate investors who wish to buy, rent or sell, and we must be careful as this is a large investment that requires a large capital. Do not be surprised by the general appearance and beautiful design. There may be something hidden, so do not hesitate to contact us on the number or email address on the website or via social media. BUILDING RANK is the leading company in the field of building inspection in the Arab world. Our good reputation is due to the excellence of our staff and their high expertise, and because we use the latest global technology in this field, and the company's report will be a decisive point that enables you to negotiate the purchase price. Our excellent reputation is due to the excellence and high expertise of our employees and the use of the latest global technologies in this field, which makes our company's report a decisive point for negotiating the purchase price.